Leadership & Management Development
Our leadership training program begins with an assessment of each client’s unique needs. By working with executive leadership and conducting an assessment of the client’s work environment, NOVACES will help your organization determine its high-level gaps and then work with you to create a plan tailored to the unique needs of your organization.
We begin by surveying a sample across functional areas of your organization and follow this up with a walkthrough of process areas that are identified as potential improvement opportunity areas. The findings from the surveys, walkthrough and executive interviews are then aggregated to prioritize leadership and management development requirements as well as high-level organizational development opportunities. Senior Leadership will then set aligned objectives with quantifiable measures of progress so that your organization can visibly track its progress.
- Determine leadership and management development requirements
- Determine organizational development requirements (infrastructure)
- Set objectives for each development requirement
- Create a plan to address leadership and management development requirements
- Set measures in place to determine progress towards meeting plan targets
Needs Assessment Activities
- Executive Management Interviews
- Cross-functional Organizational Surveys
- Work Environment Analysis
- Leadership Workshop
Leadership and Management Development Program
1. Client Needs Assessment
2. Senior Leader Training
3. First Line Leader / Mid-Level Manager Training
4. Leadership in Action Project Implementation
5. After Action Review and Path Forward
Advanced Leadership and Management Courses
Effective Meeting Facilitation
Basic Problem Solving and Process Improvement
Basic Project Leadership
Empowerment and Delegation
Facilitation and Goals Deployment
Crucial Leadership
Interview and Performance Counseling
Time and Stress Management
Influence Without Authority
Change Management
Motivation Others
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